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Arguably the most original meme known to Man. First published in Judge Magazine in 1921 with eerily simularities to todays Memes!

Meme21 was established to have no Dev, because to heck with CTOs and Devs.

Revive the Original Meme Culture!

Community matters. Rally your friends and family into this venture, and do the work instead of relying on those no-good scammer devs. Make a name for yourself using the classic pyramid scheme from the 1920s.

Who knows, you might even end up in a nuclear bunker this year.

Don't be a sap, nourish it for the culture! Here are some essential pointers to follow:

1. Don’t be a hog and own more than 2%. If you do, at least separate your wallets for the Normies.

2. It’s a free market, so don’t squawk when folks sell. But if you must sell, do it with respect to the community and DCA out.

3. Be jake with each other. You've got a swell opportunity here, with no dev. Together, you can go viral and hit it big.

4. It's a meme, so the value is what you make of it.

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Create Your Own Meme21